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Contact platform – Relative search

Information for the acceptance of search applications with the German Red Cross Search Service

Two children standing hand in hand in front of a sunset © pixabay

Please check the following points before registering search applications on the homepage:

  • Have you tried all the standard ways for making contact?
  • When was the last time you heard from the individual?

It is not always worth registering a search for someone with whom you have only recently lost contact! In many cases, the person involved is able to make contact by themselves. However, search applications which have been registered on the homepage are “in the system” and all are taken very seriously. Search applications which quickly lapse or become invalid create considerable bureaucratic effort – effort which will then be missing in other areas. If in doubt, please contact a search service advisory office first.


  1. First of all, you must register a search application on the German Red Cross Search Service website: search form international search – German Red Cross Search Service This search request is not a completed search application! With this, the search request is stored in a system in Munich where all the information of the German Red Cross Search Service is collected and where it is given a case number. Search requests are currently accepted in German, English and Russian.
  2. Once the search request has been registered, the person submitting the request will be contacted by their nearest advisory advice in order to complete the search application. The acceptance and completion of the search application requires training and skills concerning data protection. In some cases, the person submitting the search may need to depict traumatic situations or certain recollection processes may need to be prompted which can take an hour or more. Information is also collected on the missing person (where they were last seen, further people who could help with information etc).
  3. After the search application has been completed it is sent via secure email to Munich where it is checked again for any missing information. If everything is correctly completed, it will be sent to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). If the country in which the missing person is thought to be located is currently involved in a war, the relevant ICRC delegation will assume the search.

Our search service advisory offices in the DRK Landesverband Sachsen e.V. are also able to answer any questions on the search procedure:

For the Chemnitz area:

DRK KV Chemnitzer Umland e.V

Thomas Wezorke

Phone: 0371 8420818


For Eastern Saxony:

DRK KV Weißwasser

Marlen Grothues

Phone: 03576 247030


For the Leipzig area:

DRK KV Leipzig Stadt e.V.

Uta Dehnhardt

Phone: 0341 3035118


In the DRK Landesverband Sachsen e.V.

DRK LV Sachsen e.V.

Sebastian Goll

Phone: 0351 4678130


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